Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oatmeal for Breakfast

I decided to make my favorite oatmeal breakfast this morning.  I like to combine steel cut oats, oat bran and regular oats, either old fashioned or quick.  I was excited to find quick cook steel cut oats at Aldi last year.  They cook in about 7 minutes compared to regular steel cut oats that take about 30 min. to cook.  This was also the first time I had found steel cut oats ouside a health food store.

I cook one serving of each, except I only had about 1/2 serving of oat bran left in the box, so I added a little more steel cut oats.

Before the 17 day diet, I would add butter, (not margarine, BUTTER) sourwood honey, and a little cinnamon to my oatmeal.  Now I use about a half tsp. of Truvia and cinnamon - not as good, but it'll pass.

Since I always have leftovers, I just add a little water and microwave the next day.

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